2. API descriptors

The React front-end has access to mapping coordinates reflecting product categories, countries and indicators. See project root static_assets:

  1. final_countryTree_exiovisuals.csv
  2. final_productTree_exiovisuals.csv
  3. mod_indicators.csv

These mapping coordinates are not only used to render tree selectables, but also to transmit the global id’s of the product categories, countries and indicators over the websocket channel. In turn the back-end handles these messages to perform calculations and store results. For example all countries and all products in the world represent the global id [1]. The indicator [1] represents product output. For further reference see the mapping CSV files.

API routing:

  • API URL Websockets: <domain-ip>/ramascene/
  • API URL AJAX: <domain-ip>/ajaxhandling/
  • Interface format: JSON

2.1. Default calculations

The following queries denote the communication between front-end and back-end for performing default calculations.

Interface descriptors [websocket message to back-end]:

Stage Instances relation Variable name, dataType, example
Calculation type Default calculation
var name: action
JSON key: action, JSON value: String
ex.: “action”:”default”
Dimension Production, Consumption
var name: querySelection
JSON key: dimType, JSON value: String
ex.: “dimType”:”Production”
Visualization TreeMap, GeoMap
var name: querySelection
JSON key: vizType, JSON value: String
ex.: “vizType”:”TreeMap”
Filter Product
var name: querySelection
JSON key: nodesSec, JSON value: array
ex.: “nodesSec”:”[3,4,7]”
Filter Country
var name: querySelection
JSON key: nodesReg, JSON value: array
ex.: “nodesReg”:”[1]”
Filter Indicator
var name: querySelection
JSON key: extn, JSON value: array
ex.: “extn”:”[2]”
Year Default reference year
var name: querySelection
JSON key: year, JSON value: array
ex.: “year”:”[2011]”
→ to back-end
[WS send]
var name: querySelection & action
JSON : querySelection, JSON: action
ex.:see table below

→ to back-end complete payload example:


Interface descriptors [websocket messages from back-end]:

Stage Instances relation Variable name, dataType, example
Action request status
from Back-end →
[WS response]
var name: action
JSON key: action, JSON value: string
ex.: {“action”:”started”}
Job status
from Back-end →
[WS response]
var name: job_status
JSON key: job_status,JSON value: string
ex.: {“job_status”:”started”}
Job status
from Back-end →
[WS response]
var name: job_id
JSON key: job_id,JSON value: int
ex.: {“job_id”:”176”}
Job name
from Back-end →
[WS response]
var name: job_name
JSON key: job_name,JSON value: JSON
ex.: full querySelection as names

→ from back-end complete response example:

“action”:”check status”,
‘nodesReg’: [‘Total’],
‘vizType’: ‘TreeMap’,
‘nodesSec’: [‘Fishing’, ‘Mining and quarrying’, ‘Construction’],
‘dimType’: ‘Production’,
‘extn’: [‘Value Added: Total’],
‘year’: [2011]

If the websocket message job_status is set to “completed”, the front-end can perform a POST request for results via Ajax containing the job_id named as ‘TaskID’. For example in the above websocket response we see that job_id is 176, the Ajax POST request is ‘TaskID:176’.

Interface descriptors [AJAX response]:

Stage Instances relation Variable name, dataType, example
Retrieve calculation
from Back-end →
[AJAX response]
var name: unit
JSON key: name, JSON value: string
ex.: {“Value Added”:”[M.EUR]”}
from Back-end →
[AJAX response]
var name: job_id
JSON key: job_id, JSON value: int
ex.: {“job_id”:”176”}
from Back-end →
[AJAX response]
var name: rawResultData
JSON key: name, JSON value: array
ex.: {“Total”:”[1256.67]”}
from Back-end →
[AJAX response]
var name: job_name
JSON key: job_name, JSON value: JSON
ex.: full querySelection as names

→ from back-end complete response example:

“unit”: {“Value Added: Total”:”M.EUR”},
“job_name”: {
“nodesReg”: [“Total”],
“nodesSec”: [“Fishing”, “Mining and quarrying”,”Construction”],
“dimType”: “Production”,
“extn”: [“Value Added: Total”],
“year”: [2011],
“vizType”: “GeoMap”
Fishing”:75172.94699626492, “Mining and quarrying”:2151937.135835223, “Construction”:3148250.604361363

An important aspect is that in the current version the back-end expects the websocket message to contain a single value for indicator and year. Additionally if the query selection contains “GeoMap” the “nodesReg” descriptor can be an array of multiple elements denoting multiple countries, while the “nodesSec” descriptor can only have a single indicator. On the other hand if the query selection contains “TreeMap” the “nodesSec” descriptor can be an array of multiple elements denoting multiple products, while the “nodesReg” descriptor can only have a single indicator.

2.2. Modelling calculations

The following table denotes the communication between front-end and back-end for modelling calculations. Modelling is applied on existing default query selections.

Stage Instances relation Variable name, dataType, example
Product of interest Model details : Product
var name: model_details
JSON key: product, JSON value: array
ex.: “product”:[1]
Manufacturing region Model details : Product origin region
var name: model_details
JSON key: originReg,JSON value: array
ex.: “originReg”:[3]
Model type of calculation Model details : Model type
var name: model_details
JSON key: consumedBy, JSON value: array
ex.: “consumedBy”:[4]”
Region consuming Model details : Region of consumption
var name: model_details
JSON key: consumedReg, JSON value: array
ex.: “consumedReg”:[5]
Technological change Model details : Technical change
var name: model_details
JSON key: techChange, JSON value: array
ex.: “techChange”:[5]

The technological change is a single value denoting a percentage. See below for a full query example:

→ from back-end complete response example:

“action”: “model”,
“querySelection”: {
“dimType”: “Production”,
“vizType”: “TreeMap”,
“nodesSec”: [1],
“nodesReg”: [4,5],
“ext”: [8],
“year”: [2011]
“model_details”: [
“product”: [1],
“originReg”: [3],
“consumedBy”: [4],
“consumedReg”: [5],
“techChange”: [-15]
“product”: [6],
“originReg”: [5],
“consumedBy”: [7],
“consumedReg”: [18],
“techChange”: [20]

Multiple model selections can be added, however a user can only specify a single-selection per “product”, “originReg”, “consumedBy”, “consumedReg” in the array for this version of the application. The websocket response contains the added model details specified by name.