6. Deployment¶
The web-application deployment process is based on the following documentations and is tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:
- http://masnun.rocks/2016/11/02/deploying-django-channels-using-daphne/
- http://channels.readthedocs.io/en/stable/deploying.html
- https://medium.com/@saurabhpresent/deploying-django-channels-using-supervisor-and-ngnix-2f9a25393eef
- https://medium.com/@dwernychukjosh/setting-up-nginx-gunicorn-celery-redis-supervisor-and-postgres-with-django-to-run-your-python-73c8a1c8c1ba
- https://www.vultr.com/docs/installing-and-configuring-supervisor-on-ubuntu-16-04
It is advised to read these guides. See the next sections for an example to get started quickly.
Please refer to our repository for downloading the raw data, see README.md.
6.1. Install Redis [message broker] for Django Channels websocket support¶
Install redis:
$ sudo apt-get install redis-server
Before you create the virtual environment make sure you have python-dev installed via apt-get Create a virtual environment (python3.5 or higher) and install the following:
$ pip3 install asgi_redis
$ pip3 install -U channels_redis
Test redis:
$ redis-cli ping
Return value should be : PONG
Make sure redis is a daemon, see redis.conf.
6.2. Install Django dependencies & prepare SQLlite¶
In the same virtual env., change directory towards the project root:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you set the following environment variables (see example-prod-env.sh):
- export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=”ramasceneMasterProject.config.<config filename>”
- export DATASETS_VERSION=”<ramascene database version available e.g. v3>”
- export DATASETS_DIR=”<my/path/to/datasets>”
- export SECRET_KEY=”<django secret key>”
- export BROKER_URL=”<default is amqp://localhost>”
- export HOST=”<ip or domain>”
- export OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=<adjust according to how many cores you want to use>
If you are on Linux and using the OPENBLAS library for Numpy. It is advised to set the number of threads Numpy uses. To find which library is used in python:
Note: For more information on the OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS settings see Celery section further down the page.
Prepare SQLlite:
$ python3 manage.py makemigrations
$ python3 manage.py migrate
Create superuser for administration purposes:
$ python3 manage.py createsuperuser
6.3. Management commands and prepare static resources¶
Populating database classifications:
$ python3 manage.py populateHierarchies
Install node.js (node version: 3.10.10 or higher), if not already installed:
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
Prepare static resources:
$ npm install
Set webpack conf settings for production:
- Configure webpack.config.js for ajax url and websocket url at webpack.DefinePlugin() to your domain.
- Adjust process environment to “production” at webpack.DefinePlugin().
- Configure Dotenv to point to your environment variables if desired. Alternatively remove dotenv section.
- Make sure that new UglifyJsPlugin() is set.
Built React bundle:
$ ./node_modules/.bin/webpack --config webpack.config.js
Django collect static:
$ python3 manage.py collectstatic
6.4. Install and setup nginx [HTTP and Reverse Proxy Server]¶
Installing nginx requires apache to be stopped temporarily:
$ sudo service apache2 stop
Install nginx:
$ sudo apt-get install nginx
Configure nginx, make sure proxy_pass is set to this:
See example configuration file example_nginx
Check status of nginx:
$ sudo nginx -t
Allow Nginx to interact with the host machine on the network:
$ sudo ufw allow ‘Nginx Full’
6.5. Celery details and setup¶
Celery is used to delegate long lasting CPU jobs and heavy memory usage for performing IO calculations on the fly. In this project the message broker rabbitMQ is used. Each user performing a request for calculation is set in the queue and that task is handled when ready by the Celery consumer.
Installing the rabbitMQ broker:
$ sudo apt-get install -y erlang
$ sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
Then enable and start the RabbitMQ service:
$ systemctl enable rabbitmq-server
$ systemctl start rabbitmq-server
Check the status to make sure everything is running:
$ systemctl status rabbitmq-server
Celery details:
Each Celery worker spawns a number of child processes and these processes use as much memory as it needs. The first limit to set is the concurrency. It is normally advised to run a single worker per machine and the concurrency value will define how many processes will run in parallel. Concurrency set to 1 follows a first in first out principle for users, if concurrency is increased the server’s resources (CPU and MEM) are more extensively used and Celery could handle requests simultaneously. For the RaMa-Scene app one single worker for default calculations and a dedicated worker for modeling final demand is advised, due to the nature of computation extensive modelling. In addition it is recommended to set the concurrency to 1, if increased it is advised to perform load testing.
Setting a Celery MEM limit:
Loading numpy objects over different years can causes severe memory use if Python doesn’t release memory after a calculation is finished. The common idea is that Python does garbage collection and frees up memory once finished. However during testing it became apparent that memory wasn’t released, refer to https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/3339. The setting implemented in the Django settings.py is a limit on the number of task handled per child process. If set to 1 a new worker has to be spawned if a tasks is finished, enforcing the release of memory.
Setting a Numpy limit:
Most linux machines use the OPENBLAS library for numpy. OPENBLAS uses all cores available for performing calculations by default. By setting the OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS it is possible to limit the amount of cores used, leaving resources available on the server.
Note: For more information on Celery refer to the performance page in this documentation and the official celery docs.
6.6. Testing the application¶
Make sure Daphne is installed and start daphne (in virtualenv):
$ daphne -b -p 8001 ramasceneMasterProject.asgi:application
Start the Celery workers in virtual env.:
$ celery -A ramasceneMasterProject worker -l info --concurrency 1 --queue calc_default -n worker1.%h
$ celery -A ramasceneMasterProject worker -l info --concurrency 1 --queue modelling -n worker2.%h
Be careful with load if you raise concurrency. For final production setup remove the parameter -l info.
Test the application to see if everything is running correct in a web-browser.
6.7. Daemonizing¶
Celery and Daphne need to be deamonized. For example with supervisor. Bare in mind that the environment variables have to be set in the configuration file.
See example configuration file example_supervisord
If you make changes to the file you have to do:
- sudo supervisorctl reread
- sudo supervisorctl update
If you want to stop or start processes:
- sudo supervisorctl stop <program name e.g. celeryd>
- sudo supervisorctl start <program name e.g. celeryd>
6.8. Management of database results¶
Cron can be used to clear the database results on a regular basis, see example below:
#at 5 a.m on every sunday
0 5 * * 0
#delete database contents
. <path to environment>/env.sh && cd /<proj>/ && /<virtual-env>/bin/python /<proj>/manage.py clear_models