10.1. ramascene package

10.1.1. Submodules

10.1.2. ramascene.analyze module

class ramascene.analyze.Analyze(product_calc_indices, country_calc_indices, indicator_calc_indices, querySelection, idx_units, job_name, job_id, s_country_idx, Y_data, B_data, L_data)

Bases: object

This class contains the method for calculations


Perform calculations according to route four.

Returns:json result data
Return type:json

Perform calculations according to route one.

Returns:json result data
Return type:json

Perform calculations according to route three.

Returns:json result data
Return type:json

Perform calculations according to route two.

Returns:json result data
Return type:json

10.1.3. ramascene.consumers module

class ramascene.consumers.RamasceneConsumer(scope)

Bases: channels.generic.websocket.JsonWebsocketConsumer

This class represents the Django Channels web socket interface functionality.


Sends Celery task status.


Update and save the job status to started


websocket first connection, accept immediately


Websocket disconnect function.


Receives message from front-end.

Tries to parse the message, if successful it will perform pre-processing steps and invokes Celery tasks.

Parameters:event (dict) – message from front-end

Sends web socket response that the job is started

10.1.4. ramascene.modelling module

class ramascene.modelling.Modelling(ready_model_details, Y_data, load_A, year, model_details)

Bases: object

This class contains the methods for modeling

model_final_demand(Y, rows, columns, tech_change)

It allows for modification of values within final demand for scenario building

model_intermediates(A, rows, columns, tech_change)

It allows for modification of values within intermediates for scenario building

unpack(structure, name)

Unpack deep structure of modelling details (these are arrays of local ids per intervention)

10.1.5. ramascene.models module

class ramascene.models.Country(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

Country model to store identifiers for the countries and aggregations

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned


The country code


The global id representing the application coordinates as primary id


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


an identifier determining if it is a leaf node or aggregate


the global id’s of the leafs for this continent (if available)


the local id’s of the leafs of this country (if available)


The level of hierarchy this country is in


The local id, only used if the hierarchy level is the lowest


The name of the country

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>

The id representing what parent this country belongs to (by parent global_id)

class ramascene.models.Indicator(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

Indicator model to store identifiers for indicators

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned


The global id representing the application coordinates as primary id


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


The level of hierarchy this indicator is in


The local id (unusedas there are no direct summing steps performed for the extensions)


The name of the indicator

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>

The id representing what parent this indicator belongs to (unused as there are no direct summing steps performed for the extensions)


The unit used for the indicator

class ramascene.models.Job(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

Job model to store Celery jobs

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned


The unique identifier for retrieving the results of the job from Celery


The date the Celery job was completed


The date the Celery job was created

get_next_by_created(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: created>, is_next=True, **kwargs)
get_previous_by_created(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: created>, is_next=False, **kwargs)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


The name of the Celery job

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>

The status of the Celery job

class ramascene.models.ModellingProduct(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

Modelling data-model to store identifiers for the products and aggregations (slight modified version of Product)

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned


The product category code


The global id representing the application coordinates as primary id


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


an identifier determining if it is a leaf node or aggregate


the global id’s of the leafs for this product group (if available)


the local id’s of the leafs of this product group (if available)


The level of hierarchy this product is in


The local id, only used if the hierarchy level is the lowest


The name of the product category

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>

The id representing what parent this product belongs to (by parent global_id)

class ramascene.models.Product(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

Product model to store identifiers for the products and aggregations

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned


The product category code


The global id representing the application coordinates as primary id


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


an identifier determining if it is a leaf node or aggregate


the global id’s of the leafs for this product group (if available)


the local id’s of the leafs of this product group (if available)


The level of hierarchy this product is in


The local id, only used if the hierarchy level is the lowest


The name of the product category

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>

The id representing what parent this product belongs to (by parent global_id)

10.1.6. ramascene.productindexmanger module

class ramascene.productindexmanger.ProductIndexManager(c_prd_ids, s_cntr_ids, p_prd_ids, p_cntr_ids)

Bases: object

The ProductIndexManager provides functions to translate ids of selected countries and products into ids of the combination of selected countries and products and returns ids that cab be used directly to select columns and/or rows from final demand matrices, extension matrices and leontief inverse matrix.

The selected countries and products have to be supplied when initializing the ProductIndexManager. After initialisation no changes to the supplied ids are allowed.

  • c_prd_ids – ndarray 1D array containing integers indicating the ids of selected consumed products
  • s_cntr_ids – ndarray 1D array containing integers indicating the ids of the selected countries selling final products
  • p_prd_ids – ndarray 1D array containing integers indicating the ids of the selected produced products
  • p_cntr_ids – 1D array containing integers indicating the ids of the selected producing countries

Get the ids of the selected consumed products

Based on the ids of the selected consumed products and the ids of the selected countries selling final products the ids of all selected products in the final demand vector are generated. It allows to make a full selection of the selected consumed products from a final demand vector. A full selection means that if the id of the product bread was selected, now the ids of bread from Italy, bread from Belgium etc are generated as long as Italy, Belgium etc are within the ids of countries selling final products. The ids are zero based.

Returns:one dimensional numpy array with ids of type int

Get the number of countries and regions in EXIOBASE

Returns:integer object with the number of countries/regions.

Get the full number of consuming products selected.

Products in different countries are counted as unique items, i.e. bread from Belgium and bread from Italy consumed in a particular country are considered two items.

Returns:integer object with the full count of consumed products selected.

Get the full number of produced products selected.

Products in different countries are counted as unique items, i.e. cars produced in France and cars produced in Germany are considered two items.

Returns:integer object with the full count of produced products selected.

Get the ids of the selected produced products

Based on the ids of the selected produced products and the ids of the selected producing countries the ids of all selected produced products are generated. It allows to make a full selection of the selected produced products from the output vector. A full selection means that if the id of the product car was selected, now the ids of car from Germany, car from France etc are generated as long as Germany, France etc are within the ids of selected producing countries. The ids are zero based.
Returns:one dimensional numpy array with ids of type int

Get the number of products per country in EXIOBASE

Returns:integer object with the number of products.

Get the number of consumed products selected.

Returns:integer object with the number of consumed products selected.

Get the number of selected producing countries.

Returns:integer object with the number of producing countries selected.

Get the number of selected produced products.

Returns:integer object with the number of produced products selected.

Get the number of selected countries selling final products.

Returns:integer object with the number of contries selling final products selected.

10.1.7. ramascene.querymanagement module


Clean data as preprocessing step for calculation.

Clean the selected indicator by converting to integers and applying offset of -1.

Parameters:idx_lst (list) – indicators
Return type:list

Clean data as preprocessing step for calculation.

Clean the country or product data for calculations by splitting and converting to integers.

Parameters:a_list (str) – country or product string of coordinates separated by #
Returns:country or product list of coordinates as integers
Return type:list
ramascene.querymanagement.clean_single_leafs(leaf, OFFSET)

Clean data as preprocessing step for calculation.

Clean the country or product data for calculations by splitting, applying offset (-1) and converting to integers.

Parameters:leaf (str) – single country or product coordinate (non-processed)
Returns:country or product list of coordinates (single element, processed)
Return type:list

Clean data as preprocessing step for calculation.

Convert processed country,product, indicator lists to numpy array.

Parameters:product,country,indicator (list) – pre-processed list
Returns:numpy arrays of products or countries or indicator coordinates
Return type:list
ramascene.querymanagement.get_aggregations_countries(querySelection, result_data)

Sum to construct aggregates results for countries.

Invoked at Celery tasks to sum values that belong to a certain aggregate.

  • querySelection (dict) – original querySelection from user
  • result_data (dict) – dictionary of result_data from calculation

dicitonary of result_data, but with aggregations if there are any

Return type:


ramascene.querymanagement.get_aggregations_products(querySelection, result_data)

Sum to construct aggregates results for products.

Invoked at Celery tasks to sum values that belong to a certain aggregate.

  • querySelection (dict) – original querySelection from user
  • result_data (dict) – dictionary of result_data from calculation

dicitonary of result_data, but with aggregations if there are any

Return type:



Get name of countries.

Uses the database/model to fetch names, used inside calculation as conversion step

Parameters:country_result_data (dict) – key/value pair product with key as global_id
Returns:key/value pair country with key as name corresponding to querySelection global_id
Return type:dict

Get name of products.

Uses the database/model to fetch names, used inside calculation as conversion step

Parameters:prod_result_data (dict) – key/value pair product with key as global_id
Returns:key/value pair product with key as name corresponding to querySelection global_id
Return type:dict

Get units of passed-in indicators.

Can be multiple or single units depending on the API implementation version

Parameters:idx_lst (list) – indicators
Returns:key/value pair name of indicator and corresponding unit
Return type:dict

Returns the leaf nodes of a given global id

Uses the database/model to fetch leaf nodes.

Parameters:country_global_ids (list) – A list of user selected country global ids
Returns:complete list of leaf ids (minus a offset of -1 for calculation purposes)
Return type:list

Returns the leaf nodes of a given global id

Uses the database/model to fetch leaf nodes.

Parameters:product_global_ids (list) – A list of user selected product global ids
Returns:complete list of leaf ids (minus a offset of -1 for calculation purposes)
Return type:list

Returns the leaf nodes of a given global id

Uses the database/model to fetch leaf nodes.

Parameters:product_global_ids (list) – A list of user selected product global ids
Returns:complete list of leaf ids (minus a offset of -1 for calculation purposes)
Return type:list

Get name of products consumed by in modelling

Uses the database/model to fetch names, used for sending selection information to front-end

Parameters:prod_ids (list) – list of products by global id
Returns:lists of products
Return type:list

Get name of countries

Uses the database/model to fetch names, used for sending selection information to front-end

Parameters:country_ids (list) – list of countries by global id
Returns:lists of countries
Return type:list

Get name of indicators

Uses the database/model to fetch names, used for sending selection information to front-end

Parameters:indicator_ids (list) – list of indicators by global id
Returns:lists of indicators as names
Return type:list

Get name of products

Uses the database/model to fetch names, used for sending selection information to front-end

Parameters:prod_ids (list) – list of products by global id
Returns:lists of products
Return type:list
ramascene.querymanagement.get_numpy_objects(year, object_name)
Retrieve numpy objects per year.
Args: year (int): selected year object_name (str): L, A, B, or Y
numpy object: numpy object of the given object_name

Helper function.

Does database check on countries if the global_id the user selected is an aggregate or not

Parameters:country_id (int) – global id
Returns:identifier e.g. LEAF or AGG or TOTAL
Return type:str

Helper function.

Does database check on products if the global_id the user selected is an aggregate or not

Parameters:prod_id (int) – global id
Returns:identifier e.g. LEAF or AGG or TOTAL
Return type:str

Helper function.

Does database check on products if the global_id the user selected is an aggregate or not

Parameters:prod_id (int) – global id
Returns:identifier e.g. LEAF or AGG or TOTAL
Return type:str

10.1.8. ramascene.tasks module

ramascene.tasks.async_send(channel_name, job)

Send job message to front-end.

uses the channel_name and Job object. Send success or failure status.

  • channel_name (object) – websocket channel name
  • job (object) – model object of the job
ramascene.tasks.default_handler(job_name, job_id, channel_name, ready_query_selection, query_selection)

invokes Celery function.

Handler for invoking Celery method.

  • job_name (str) – the name of the job
  • job_id (int) – the id of the job
  • channel_name (object) – the websocket channel name
  • ready_query_selection (dict) – the query_selection preprocessed (only needs convertion to numpy array)
  • query_selection (dict) – the original query_selection used for aggregations at later stage
ramascene.tasks.handle_complete(job_id, channel_name, celery_id)

Handle a successful Celery Task.


Update job status to completion.

Update the job status by reference job id. :param job_id: job id :type job_id: int

10.1.9. ramascene.views module


AJAX handler.

Checks if the request is a post. Uses from the request the task/job id to fetch the Celery unique identifier. In turn it retrieves by using the Celery unique identifier the actual results

Parameters:object – request
Returns:JSON response of result calculation

Home page.

10.1.10. Module contents

ramascene.activate_foreign_keys(sender, connection, **kwargs)