8. Testing¶
Various tests are implemented for websocket communication, celery background processing, AJAX, views, and the models. See ramascene/tests/ folder.
8.2. Integration test¶
A more extensive validation tests is performed with pytest. Several validation files (CSV) are prepared from results computed outside of the web-application. Please refer to ramascene/tests/validation_files for the structure of these files. Each file contains information to generate a query, send a websocket query, receive results back from Celery. These results are in turn matched against the validation files expected results with a given tolerance. Lastly refer to confttest.py to see which scripts are called for performing the test.
Please be aware that at the moment only EXIOBASE v3 can be tested this way
To test over the full life cycle of the back-end you can run the following command in the root folder:
$ pytest -vs
Make sure to run a celery worker:
$ celery -A ramasceneMasterProject worker -l info --concurrency 1 --queue calc_default -n worker1.%h
If the test has succeeded, you’ll need to repopulate the database with the following command:
$ python3 manage.py populateHierarchies